Saturday, September 29, 2012

Building the boat shed

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 A half acre of trees for the sugar house...

Ebben stumping out the lot

A hard lesson...  broke the excavators main swing arm casting.
John Deere said no more are available...
Ebben located one via internet junk yard and had it in the mail within hours! Yup!

Through the jungles of Vermont

Aperios' stern in the distance
First bent going up!

After much searching: located a used steel town shed that had been disassembled and was about to go up for auction.   Combined with 15 used phoned poles (free for the asking) raised the clearance to 22' . 
A bargain at $1,200.00

Ready for cross bracing, grass seed and steel roofing party.
The frame is raised 7' on the used phone polls.
21' clearance on inside low corners of Aperios main bay.
Ebbens $1.00 32' Ericson will be in the left bay. Another story entirely!

Maverick Arrives!

Maverick arrives by overland carrier:

Never lift a boat like this! once in the air we could not set it down to equalize the straps... 
a horrible moment I'd rather forget!